Northern Sweden

Northern Sweden

Excess renewable energy utilization and grid balancing services

We have deployed multiple data centers to provide balancing services for the national grid. The main goal of our cooperation is to balance the volatile production of hydro and wind power plants in the northern region of the country. The state utility company has always had a very innovative and proactive approach when it comes to balancing supply and demand: the company has always looked for new ways to add extra flexibility to the grid given the high penetration of renewables in the Swedish energy mix.

In the northern part of Sweden, 20 km from the Arctic Circle, in the Boden region, we have a built-in 3 MW data center infrastructure based on 7 DATABOX-es.

100% renewable energy at one of the most competitive electricity prices in the world

Grind balancing services in practice

We have partnered up with Sympower, in order to provide grid balancing services for the transmission system operator. Since the reaction time of our data centers is less than 2 seconds, Enerhash data centers can participate in frequency containment reserve tenders.


capacity from a 100% renewable energy source


data centers


reaction time in FCR-D

Finishing touches on our 3 MW data center facility near Boden Sweden
